Blackcoffeehall | Cafe - Refreshment - Cheesecakes - Juices - Sandwiches - Cookies - Soft drinks - Cafe Kavala

Blackcoffeehall | Cafe - Refreshment - Cheesecakes - Juices - Sandwiches - Cookies - Soft drinks - Cafe Kavala

521 Visitors:
Address: Amigdaleonas
Area: Kavala
Telephone: 2510392564
Mobile: -
P.C.: 64012
Category: CAFÉ
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
At Blackcoffeehall, the atmosphere is always friendly and warm, creating a comfortable environment for you and your friends. Whether you're enjoying your morning coffee, or looking for a place to relax in the afternoon, Blackcoffeehall is the ideal destination. Our professional baristas are here to offer you a unique coffee experience, tailored to your preferences. In addition to coffee, at Blackcoffeehall you can enjoy refined dishes, fresh snacks, and soft drinks. The variety of our ...
521 Visitors:

Amigdaleonas, Kavala

521 Visitors:

At Blackcoffeehall, the atmosphere is always friendly and warm, creating a comfortable environment for you and your friends. Whether you're enjoying your morning coffee, or looking for a place to relax in the afternoon, Blackcoffeehall is the ideal destination.

Our professional baristas are here to offer you a unique coffee experience, tailored to your preferences.

In addition to coffee, at Blackcoffeehall you can enjoy refined dishes, fresh snacks, and soft drinks. The variety of our products allows you to always find something that suits your taste preferences.


We are waiting for you at Blackcoffeehall!


521 Visitors:


Telephone: 2510392564

Working Hours
